Hello Friends! With all the confusion as of late, concerning how to effectively prevent the spread of viruses, I thought this would be a good time to talk about supplements that boost the immune system naturally. The immune system works to attack any proteins that are non self, such as viruses, bad bacteria, protozoa, and even cancer cells.

The first thing to consider when talking about improving immune response is diet. It is important to take a look at what your pet should be eating to fuel the body properly. Look at your pets teeth, the shape of the teeth will tell you what they should be eating. Carnivores have sharp pointed teeth designed for ripping and tearing meat, this would be our dogs and cats. Herbivores have flat teeth designed to grind plants, omnivores have both. The ideal diet would be void of any processed food. This is not always possible for many valid reasons, but limiting processed food, adding fresh food when possible, and supplementation will help your pet tremendously.

Here are 4 proven and effective supplements to boost the immune system without harmful side effects. All four of these supplements are helpful for people and pets!

  • Ester C – Vitamin C supports the epithelial barrier and is a powerful antioxidant. The epithelial barrier is the first line of defense, it prevents the invasion of pathogens in the body and also regulates nutrient absorption. Ester C is a non acidic, body ready form of Vitamin C that stays in the body longer for maximum effect. Vitamin C is also very good for pets with degenerative bone disease.
  • Medicinal Mushrooms – Mushrooms such as Turkey Tail are high in polysaccharides  and beta-glucan that work with your immune system to protect the body from pathogens and form an immune response. I will share an interesting Penn State study on the use of Turkey Tail Mushrooms on dogs with cancer, at the end of this article. Cordyceps Mushrooms are also useful for stimulating immune response and greatly improving respiratory function. This would be the go to mushroom for any cold or flu like symptoms! One side note about Medicinal Mushrooms, make sure that any mushroom you supplement with is organic and whole fruiting body (the top of the mushroom) as opposed to mycelium grown on grains. We use and recommend RealMushrooms brand.
  • Probiotics and Prebiotics – I am sure you have often heard the majority of the immune system is in the gut. So supporting the good gut bacteria is paramount. Total Digest Canine and Microflora Plus are two very effective probiotic supplements that also have prebiotics and enzymes.
  • Colostrum Powder – Colostrum Powder is mothers first milk, it is full of antibodies that strengthen the immune system, fight infections, and improves gut health!

I hope you found this short list helpful in your journey to naturally strengthening the immune system, for you and your pets!

As promised, here is the link:  https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/compound-derived-mushroom-lengthens-survival-time-dogs-cancer-penn-vet-study-finds


Written by Kaye Huebner